Characterisation of sperm cell motility rate of Southern African indigenous cockerel semen following analysis by sperm class analyser

M.B Makhafola, D.O Umesiobi, M.L Mphaphathi, M.B Masenya, T.L Nedambale

Agricultural Research Council, Animal Production Institute, Germplasm Conservation and Reproductive Biotechnologies, Private Bag X 2, Irene, 0062; Central University of Technology, Free State School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Private Bag X 20539 Bloemfontein 9300; Tshwane University of Technology, Department of Animal Sciences, Private Bag X680, Pretoria 0001, South Africa

Abstract: The Sperm Class Analyser (SCA) system (CASA) is advantageous and provides precise additional information that cannot be attained through the subjective manual sperm cell assessment methods. The aim of the study was to characterise Naked Neck (NN), Ovambo (OV) and Potchefstroom Koekoek (PK) cockerels semen macroscopically and microscopically. A total of 198 ejaculates were collected from 33 cockerels; Ovambo (n=11), Potchefstroom Koekoek (n=11) and Naked Neck (n=11) by means of the abdominal massage technique. Semen was analysed macroscopically (colour, semen volume and semen pH) and microscopically (sperm concentration, morphology, sperm motility and velocity rate). The sperm motility rate was evaluated with the aid of the Sperm Class Analyser (SCA) system. The sperm morphology was performed by the staining sperm cells with nigrosin-eosin breed significantly P < 0.05 affected the body weight of Ovambo (2.5±0.4kg), Naked Neck (2.0±0.3kg) and Potchefstroom Koekoek (2.3±0.3kg) cockerels. The semen volume of Naked Neck (0.5±0.2ml) breed was significantly higher, when compared to Ovambo (0.4±0.2ml), but similar to Potchefstroom Koekoek (0.3±0.2ml) breed. The overall sperm motility rate of Ovambo (95.0±7.2%), Potchefstroom Koekoek (86.0±13.7%) Naked Neck (76.4±22.2%) group was significantly different. The normal sperm morphology in the Naked Neck (76.4±22.2%) was lower when compared to Potchefstroom Koekoek (86.0±13.7%) and Ovambo (95.0±7.2%) group of cockerel. a positive correlation existed between body weight and semen volume for Potchefstroom Koekoek (r=0.1477) cockerels only. Moreover, there was a positive correlation between the body weight and total sperm motility for Naked Neck (r=0.3848), Ovambo (r=0.4871) and Potchefstroom Koekoek (r=0.2230) cockerels. However, a negative correlation existed between body weight and semen volume for Naked Neck (r=-0.4502) and Ovambo (r=-0.1244). In conclusion, body weight positively affected semen volume and sperm motility rate but this was breed dependent. The Sperm of Potchefstroom Koekoek and Ovambo resulted in a better motility and morphology rate. The Sperm Class Analyser or CASA provided more precise, repeatable and objective information. Evaluation of the sperm motility rate of South African indigenous cockerels holds potential for future use in semen evaluation.

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Journal of Animal Science Advances
July 2012