
Epigenetics and lifestyle

By |2019-10-22T16:02:25+02:0022 Oct 2019|Blog|

Epigenetics and lifestyle: new perspectives for future diagnostics Have you ever wondered why some people are more prone than others to suffer from obesity, diabetes or cancer? The most probable answer is thinking that these diseases are related to genes that parents transmitted to their progeny, which at the same time, were [...]

Elephant sperm

By |2019-09-17T12:26:50+02:0017 Sep 2019|Blog|

First comprehensive CASA study of Free ranging African elephant sperm in the wild: What does it take? It is seldom realized what it really takes to perform such a formidable research task in the total wilderness. It is not as if there are ten elephants behind bars waiting for semen collection in [...]

Frog sperm

By |2019-07-17T10:00:33+02:0017 Jul 2019|Blog|

Frogs are both sentinel and keystone species and globally threatened: The need to study their sperm biology! Fig. 1: Amazon tree frog during amplexus. ( Everyone knows what a frog is but where do these fascinating animals fit in the Animal Kingdom? They are amphibians (can live on land - [...]

PhD students from Cape Town

By |2019-06-19T16:47:21+02:0019 Jun 2019|Blog|

Five PhD students of the Comparative Spermatology Group in Cape Town all use the SCA CASA system with great effect! Cape Town must have among the most active SCA CASA users in the world in a radius of 25 km. Approximately 30 scientists, students and embryologists from the University of the Western [...]

Le spermogramme automatisé au laboratoire, enfin !

By |2019-05-17T12:13:30+02:0016 May 2019|Blog|

Dans l’exploration du couple infertile, le spermogramme et spermocytogramme sont toujours les examens de 1ère intention. La technique de référence reste la technique manuelle et la plupart des laboratoires d’analyse médicale peuvent réaliser ces examens, même si souvent les prescripteurs préfèrent qu’ils soient réalisés dans un laboratoire expérimenté en raison des variations [...]

New ventures in sperm motility

By |2019-04-29T10:50:54+02:0029 Abr 2019|Blog|

New ventures in our understanding of sperm functionality In 2016 I wrote a blog on standardization of semen analysis in humans but with the emphasis on reviewing sperm motility analysis since the 1600’s until 2016. I showed the importance of standardization of quantitative semen analyses and the power of CASA in assisting [...]

Bee sperm

By |2019-01-16T15:42:45+01:0016 Ene 2019|Blog|

Bees are Keystone species: Urgent need to study their sperm quality, preserve the sperm and inseminate best quality Fig. 1: Fynbos (meaning plants with small leaves) area near Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa. What is a keystone species? A keystone species is a plant or animal species that plays a [...]

SCA has many other applications

By |2018-12-18T09:20:33+01:0018 Dic 2018|Blog|

SCA is firstly a top class Computer Aided Semen Analysis System: But it has many other applications. What are these? The Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA) of Microptic S.L. needs no introduction and has earned a reputation as the most advanced CASA system providing the widest range of modules to analyse many facets [...]

New CASA in East Africa: Tanzania

By |2018-11-30T09:17:36+01:0021 Nov 2018|Blog|

A new CASA system for East Africa, Tanzania, for the National Artificial Insemination Centre: A unique situation! Fig. 1: Entrance to NAIC with administrative quarters and laboratories. In Tanzania and elsewhere in Africa there is a great need to improve the quality of livestock in general and particulalrly cattle such [...]

Declining sperm count

By |2018-10-18T16:49:08+02:0018 Oct 2018|Blog|

Human zero sperm count in the next generation: Really? What are the facts? The aspect of declining sperm count has been debated over many decades and is very controversial. Recently Dr Haqgai Levine presented a paper at the 13th International Symposium on Spermatology in Stockholm that sperm numbers are declining and represent [...]