
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)

By |2017-10-06T09:49:54+02:002 Ago 2017|Blog|

Three SCA upgrades and training to Germplasm, Conservation and Reproductive Biotechnologies (GCRB) Laboratory, Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Irene, Pretoria Figure 1: The ARC-GCRB personnel. The ARC-GCRB laboratories based in Pretoria-Irene, is well known for its reproductive biology research on indigenous South African domestic animals. There are dozens of unique indigenous [...]

Ayudando a formar familias y a preservar especies

By |2017-08-30T12:38:36+02:006 Jul 2017|Blog|

Ayudando a formar familias y a preservar especies en peligro de extinción Cuando mis amigos me preguntan a qué me dedico y les digo: "a analizar espermatozoides", su primera reacción es divertida. A algunos se les nota una sonrisa interior y otros sueltan una sonora carcajada. Pero cuando les explico en profundidad [...]

Personal lubricants

By |2017-10-06T09:48:21+02:0011 May 2017|Blog|

Personal lubricants; for or against conception? Personal lubricants are occasionally demanded during intercourse or semen collection in clinical settings. This could be posing a problem for couples looking to conceive, as several lubricants have been reported to decrease sperm functional parameters, especially sperm motility as the most important marker of a successful [...]

Insect sperm

By |2017-10-06T09:47:54+02:0018 Abr 2017|Blog|

The importance of insect sperm: The black soldier fly The biodiversity and general importance of insects are not generally appreciated. Very few people realize that insects represent about 95% of the Animal Kingdom (AK). In other words all other animal species such as invertebrates including sponges, oysters, mussels, sea urchins, segmented worms, [...]

Penguin sperm

By |2018-01-05T11:35:54+01:0016 Mar 2017|Blog|

Sperm of the endangered African penguin and Rockhopper penguin studied The African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) (Fig. 1) is endemic to southern Africa and is classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List. It is also known as the black-footed or jackass penguin because its bray sounds like that of the donkey. There [...]

Vitality in brightfield assessment

By |2018-01-05T11:36:38+01:0015 Feb 2017|Blog|

BrightVit: a new kit for vitality in brightfield assessment History, physiological basis, current use and importance Fig. 1: Greek Goddess of dawn, Eos (eosin derivation) The word “vitality” (later “viability”) comes from the late 16th century Latin vitalitas which means strong and active, has energy. In sperm biology vitality has [...]

Analyse automatisée du sperme humain

By |2019-05-16T16:55:41+02:0024 Ene 2017|Blog|

Retour d’expérience et validation de la méthode d’analyse En 2017 le spermogramme reste un examen incontournable du bilan d’infertilité du couple. Toutefois sa technique de mise en œuvre a peu évolué depuis 30 ans, elle s’appuie sur une analyse manuelle. Le laboratoire Eurofins Biomnis a souhaité s’engager dans une démarche d’automatisation de [...]