

Sea urchin sperm

15 Oct 2020|

Sea urchin sperm: Appearance, collection and measurement of sperm motility - the ideal CASA solution! Sea urchins belong to the phylum Echinodermata meaning “spiny skinned”. There are five classes of Echinodermata and three of these are indicated [...]


15 Sep 2020|

Improving business Quality With the goal of customer satisfaction, Microptic is very committed to Quality. Both from the point of view of the distributor or the end customer, and from the point of view of compliance with [...]

Domestic animals

20 Juil 2020|

How to improve your domestic stock through intelligent solutions! The importance and size of the global domestic animal market is enormous and only the beef market translates to USD 332.9 billion in 2020 with a revenue forecast [...]

Sperm quality

18 Juin 2020|

How to improve sperm quality? Sperm quality can be affected by several factors, such as the environment, diseases, lifestyle, age, etc. Those related to men’s lifestyle are the easiest to modify when trying to improve sperm quality [...]

Bee sperm (II)

15 Mai 2020|

A major breakthrough: Fully automated Computer Aided Sperm Motility Analysis of African bee sperm! We alluded in an earlier blog to the importance of bees as keystone species globally and provided some background on the reproduction of [...]

Tunisian sperm quality

24 Avr 2020|

At Microptic, we asked some of our clients about their research studies they have performed using our SCA system. In this blog, Dr Hatem Bahri (from Tunisia) introduces one of his most important research, presented at the [...]