


18 Fév 2020|

Is infertility a disease or a condition or a symptom? Is infertility a disease or a condition or a symptom? This aspect is much debated and very diverse opinions exist on this topic. But let us first [...]

Rhinoceros sperm

15 Jan 2020|

The African rhinoceros’ crisis: What can reproductive biologists do? Fig. 1: African white rhinoceros shortly after darting (horns have been cut so that poachers may be less interested). There are two species of African rhinoceros, [...]

Effect of personal lubricants

18 Nov 2019|

The Effect of “Personal Lubricants” on Sperm Quality Personal lubricants’ effect on sperm motility: Four students from the University of Aalborg used the SCA CASA system to conduct a study accessing the topic of personal lubricants’ effect [...]

Epigenetics and lifestyle

22 Oct 2019|

Epigenetics and lifestyle: new perspectives for future diagnostics Have you ever wondered why some people are more prone than others to suffer from obesity, diabetes or cancer? The most probable answer is thinking that these diseases are [...]

Elephant sperm

17 Sep 2019|

First comprehensive CASA study of Free ranging African elephant sperm in the wild: What does it take? It is seldom realized what it really takes to perform such a formidable research task in the total wilderness. It [...]