Microptic Technical Support Service: helping customers worldwide
At Microptic we offer real-time help to solve any kind of problem that a technician might have with our programs and, for this, we manage different situations. As a help desk engineer, I will explain a part of my every day.
The first factor is the language. We have worldwide customers and generally we can communicate in English, but not always. When saying “Hello, this is Jordi, how can I help you?” and seeing an answer in a language I don’t know, Google Translate is ready to help us. It’s curious, after using Google Translate and answer to the technician, to see the technician use the same translator on the screen… and we can conversate! In general, at Microptic we can talk in English, French or Spanish, we don’t need to translate like this often given that we cover a lot of the communication spectrum.
Another impediment at coordination is time difference. For example, we (in Barcelona) can coincide with Australia only on the early morning and for a short time. In those cases we use to agree how to coordinate to be as punctual and efficient as possible for both parts.
At this point, those are normal scenarios, but what happens when a device does no has internet access? This may happen by network problems or because of the laboratory regulations. We have to be creative; we communicate by e-mail and/or phone; always providing the best guide we can. In the case of a SCA in the army (where by regulations we could not connect to it) we sent them a video showing exactly what to do to solve their problem.
What about the hardware problems? Usually for hardware we should be on place to touch cables, press buttons… Here the good communication from customer is crucial to know what’s happening precisely. In a phone call with a SCA SCOPE which was not turning on, after some minutes talking to figure out the problem, we found that the SCA SCOPE was working perfectly, but the technician, by confusion, didn’t turn the screen on and it created the illusion that the machine was not working.
Finally, the preparations to analyse the sample. As every sample is different, some times the protocol to analyse has to be a little different, but this modification is not always obvious. Here we count on our biologists to explain better what can be done with the sample preparation in order to always help the technicians with any case.
As you can see, customer service is a conditional world where, for each case we have to see what are their needs and how to help; but at the end, seeing the laboratory personnel achieve their tasks is gratifying :)
Jordi Cantó Lozano
Technical Engineer
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