
Brisons les tabous !

By |2022-08-23T15:51:41+02:0023 Août 2022|Blog|

Infertilité masculine : brisons les tabous ! L’HOMME, depuis la nuit des temps de nombreux adjectifs le caractérisent : Fort, Invincible, Combattif, Courageux, Vaillant, Déterminé, Audacieux, Intrépide, Puissant, Téméraire… la liste est longue ! L’HOMME, pourquoi est-il si compliqué pour ce super héros de parler d’infertilité masculine ? Question difficile soulevant plusieurs problématiques. Dans une société qui [...]

Technology for semen analysis

By |2022-07-14T15:23:33+02:0014 Juil 2022|Blog|

Technological and engineering updates to take care of male fertility It should come as no surprise that technology has made significant enhancements. Daily life is filled with incredible evidence of how far our lives have come from what we see, read, hear and living within every moment. We can enrich the quality [...]


By |2022-04-21T12:07:21+02:0021 Avr 2022|Blog|

¿Qué es un seminograma y para qué sirve? El seminograma es una prueba fundamental para determinar el grado de fertilidad masculina. Suele realizarse en el marco de un tratamiento de reproducción asistida, cuando los miembros de la pareja detectan dificultades para conseguir un embarazo. Asimismo, sirve para determinar si el hombre sufre [...]

Webinaire : MetaClass, Caryotypage et FISH pour les couples infertiles – 11 juin

By |2020-05-29T12:54:38+02:0029 Mai 2020|News|

Microptic organise un nouveau webinaire le 11 Juin : MetaClass, Caryotypage et FISH pour les couples infertiles. Est-il possible lier certaines anomalies génétiques et chromosomiques à l’infertilité et à des syndromes spécifiques ? M. Eduard Sànchez, CEO de Microptic, montrera ce système modulaire utilisé pour les études en cytogénétique humaine des chromosomes [...]

Male infertility: what solutions are there?

By |2020-03-17T11:34:12+01:0017 Mar 2020|Blog|

Male infertility: what solutions are there? They may not have the biological clock pressure, but they are also affected, in the same way, by infertility problems. Moreover, for most of them is the same as for us: they find out they have problems when they try to be parents, but they can’t. [...]


By |2020-02-18T11:46:58+01:0018 Fév 2020|Blog|

Is infertility a disease or a condition or a symptom? Is infertility a disease or a condition or a symptom? This aspect is much debated and very diverse opinions exist on this topic. But let us first review some formal considerations: The World Health Organization defines infertility to be “a disease of [...]

Epigenetics and lifestyle

By |2019-10-22T16:01:42+02:0022 Oct 2019|Blog|

Epigenetics and lifestyle: new perspectives for future diagnostics Have you ever wondered why some people are more prone than others to suffer from obesity, diabetes or cancer? The most probable answer is thinking that these diseases are related to genes that parents transmitted to their progeny, which at the same time, were [...]

Declining sperm count

By |2018-10-18T16:43:39+02:0018 Oct 2018|Blog|

Human zero sperm count in the next generation: Really? What are the facts? The aspect of declining sperm count has been debated over many decades and is very controversial. Recently Dr Haqgai Levine presented a paper at the 13th International Symposium on Spermatology in Stockholm that sperm numbers are declining and represent [...]

Questioning abstinence periods

By |2018-01-18T17:04:50+01:0018 Jan 2018|Blog|

Better sperm motility and kinematics after short vs. long ejaculatory abstinence It has long been observed that semen volume, sperm concentration and total sperm counts increase with increasing duration of abstinence; However, recent studies suggest that there is a paradoxical improvement of sperm motility and kinematic parameters with shorter abstinence periods. [...]

Test de fertilité masculine à la maison – 13 novembre

By |2017-11-13T16:09:29+01:0013 Nov 2017|News|

Notre entreprise a commencé à collaborer avec ExSeed Health pour lancer un appareil permettant de tester le sperme à la maison en seulement quelques secondes avec la technologie de Microptic. Cette nouveauté compatible avec des smartphones fonctionne avec le software SCA et cette-ci aidera des couples de tout le monde à augmenter [...]