
Sperm Cryopreservation: Animal diluents and automatic analysis

By |2017-09-05T09:48:39+02:0013 Mai 2014|Blog|

The first observations concerning low-temperature preservation of spermatozoa date from 1776, when the Italian physiologist Spallanzani noted that spermatozoa cooled in snow became inactive but could be revived on warming, although, successful cryopreservation protocols date only from the 1950s. In 1949, the single most important development came with the discovery by Polge, Smith and Parkes [...]

Formation et réunion annuelles de nos distributeurs

By |2016-12-30T09:48:16+01:0012 Mai 2014|News|

Comme chaque année, notre entreprise met à l’honneur nos distributeurs lors de notre réunion annuelle où nous informons sur les derniers développements de nos produits et nous fournissons un panel d’informations techniques utiles pour soutenir et aider l'utilisateur final. Cette réunion a généralement lieu au cours de l’ESHRE. Mais cette fois-ci, la réunion se tient [...]

Certificat CFDA de notre SCA® renouvelé

By |2016-12-30T09:48:18+01:009 Avr 2014|News|

Le 17 Mars dernier, nous avons reçu le renouvellement de l'enregistrement de notre Sperm Class Analyzer SCA ® auprès de l’Agence chinoise des produits alimentaires et médicamenteux (Chinese Food and Drug Adminintration : CFDA). Il est valable jusqu'au 19 Février 2018. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous référer au site internet suivant: devastating Cette inscription est [...]

SCA® CASA, more consistent than manual analysis

By |2017-09-05T09:48:46+02:009 Avr 2014|Blog|

WHO Manual Analysis may be the Gold Standard for Semen Analysis but SCA CASA is more consistent than Manual analysis During the past year I assisted with a study investigating the relationship between World Health Organization (WHO 5, 2010) manual analysis criteria of semen analysis compared to SCA® CASA analysis which involved three independent centres [...]

Installation in Biomnis (Lyon, France)

By |2017-09-05T09:48:35+02:006 Mar 2014|Blog|

Last February, I went to Biomnis for an installation and training of a complete SCA CASA system during three days (February 17th – 19th, 2014). Mr. Alexandre Cauchon, the technical Engineer from our French distributors (Nikon France), was also there to help me. Biomnis is one of the most important analysis laboratories in France and [...]

Installation in Central Fisheries Research Institute (TK)

By |2017-09-05T09:48:32+02:0018 Fév 2014|Blog|

Last January, one of our technical engineers, Mr Javier Briseño, installed one of our Sperm Analysers to be used in the analysis of several fish species: Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), Sole (Soleidae), Salmonidae and Sturgeon (Actinopterygii). The installation and analysts training took place in the Central Fisheries Research Institute, Trabzon, Turkey in the Black Sea coast. [...]

MICROPTIC visits South Korea

By |2017-09-05T09:47:54+02:0016 Jan 2014|Blog|

Taking the opportunity that our distributor in South Korea, Joong Ang company, represented by their Service Sales Manager, Kevin Oh, sold a complete SCA system to a representative customer in South Korea, Albert Casquero, one of our technical engineers, visited this amazing country. Gangnam neighborhood, Seoul The trip started on Monday 8th of July, [...]

Why use a CASA system for sperm analysis?

By |2019-08-01T10:37:44+02:0020 Déc 2013|Blog|

A conventional semen analysis, as it is made in a Reproductive biology clinic or general laboratory, tries to find out the quality of the sample.  For that purpose, the microscopic characteristics must be evaluated: the concentration of the spermatozoa in the seminal liquid, their motility, morphology, vitality, and more recently, the presence of DNA fragmentation [...]

ISO 13485 et ISO 9001

By |2016-12-30T09:48:18+01:005 Sep 2013|News|

A Microptic S.L., nous donnons beaucoup d’importance aux systèmes de gestion de la qualité et nous nous soucions de la satisfaction de nos clients. Dans le but d'améliorer continuellement la qualité de nos produits et de nos services, nous sommes fiers d'annoncer que nous sommes certifiés depuis 2007 ISO 9001, et nous avons depuis récemment, [...]

Customer opinion of SCA® Production

By |2016-12-30T09:48:19+01:005 Sep 2013|Blog|

I work in a company where the most important are fertility results of pigs. As we all know, this part of pig production has a decisive influence on the whole profitability of the business. In our times, when production costs like feeding, medicines and transport grow so fast, we have to be absolutely sure that [...]