semen analysis

Participation aux Congrès en France durant le mois de juin – 1 juillet

By |2016-12-30T09:48:10+01:001 Juil 2016|News|

Microptic, en collaboration avec Nikon France, a participé à la 10ème réunion biennale de l'Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA) et le 18ème Congrès international de la reproduction animale (ICAR), du 24 au 30 Juin à Tours, France. Durant ces éditions, les participants ont eu l'occasion de voir la version 6.1 du système CASA SCA® [...]

IVF including ICSI needs CASA sperm functionality more than ever before!

By |2016-12-30T09:48:10+01:0017 Juin 2016|Blog|

IVF including ICSI needs CASA sperm functionality more than ever before! This blog comes at an important time in view of the upcoming ESHRE conference in Finland that focuses among many other aspects on infertility, sperm and interventions to overcome this through different IVF strategies. For a very long time and currently Computer Aided Sperm [...]

Succès de Microptic au congrès biennal ALPHA

By |2016-12-30T09:48:10+01:009 Mai 2016|News|

Microptic a participé avec succès au 11ème Congrès biennal Alpha, du 5 au8 mai 2016, au Radisson Blue hôtel scandinave à Copenhague, Danemark. En relation avec le thème «Les nouvelles technologies dans ART», notre société avait un stand dans le hall d'exposition présentant la nouvelle version 6.1 du système CASA -SCA®. De plus, deux posters [...]

Is African elephant contraception needed?

By |2016-12-30T09:48:11+01:003 Mai 2016|Blog|

Is African elephant contraception needed? A major research programme in South Africa showed the value of the Sperm Class Analyzer in evaluating the semen quality of these gentle giants Fig. 1: Duma the African elephant at Addo Elephant Back Safaris (AEBS) The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is classified as endangered by the International [...]

Standardization of semen analysis for humans

By |2016-12-30T09:48:11+01:008 Avr 2016|Blog|

Standardization of semen analysis for humans: From 1600’s to current understanding in 2016 For approximately 50 years there have been attempts to standardize human semen analysis. Many researchers, clinicians, scientific bodies/organizations throughout the world have been involved to find semen characteristics that relate to human fertility. But where did it all start? Anton van Leeuwenhoek [...]