Counting chambers SCA - Motility concentration disposables

Counting chambers SCA

Disposable counting chambers to analyse motility, concentration and pH of semen.

Compatible with

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Leja - Motility concentration disposables


Disposable counting chambers for motility and concentration analysis.

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GoldCyto - Motility concentration disposables


Disposable counting chambers for animal semen analysis.

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Makler - Motility concentration disposables


Counting chamber for motility and concentration analysis.

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FluoCount - Motility concentration disposables


Fluorochrome preparation for motility and concentration analysis under fluorescence.

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QC-Beads - Motility concentration disposables


Beads preparation for quality control in concentration analysis.

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Morphology slides SCA - Morphology disposables

Morphology slides SCA

Pre-stained slides to analyse morphology of sperm.

Compatible with

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Sperm Stain Ready to Use - Morphology disposables

Sperm Stain Ready To Use

Stain ready to use for human morphology analysis.

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SpermBlue - Morphology disposables


Multispecies staining kit for morphology analysis.

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Diff-Quik - Morphology disposables


Staining for morphology analysis.

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EUKITT neo spezial - Morphology disposables

EUKITT neo spezial

Mounting medium for slides.

Compatible with

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GoldCyto DNA - DNA Fragmentation disposables

GoldCyto DNA

Kit for sperm DNA Fragmentation test.

Compatible with

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Vitality slides SCA - Vitality disposables

Vitality slides SCA

Kit to assess vitality with BrightVit (in brightfield).

Compatible with

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FluoVit - Vitality disposables


Fluorochromes preparation for the analysis of vitality in sperm samples.

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FluoAcro - Disposables


Kit for acrosome intact and acrosome reacted sperm test.

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Leukocytes slides SCA - Other disposables

Leukocytes slides SCA

Kit for detection of peroxidase positive cells in semen.

Compatible with

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AcroScreen - Disposables


Kit for the quantification of acrosin (acrosome enzyme) activity in semen.

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CitricScreen - Disposables


Kit to measure the amount of citric acid in seminal plasma.

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MarScreen - Disposables


Kit for the detection of antibodies on the surface of sperm cells.

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PBSt - Disposables


Phosphate buffered saline tablets for simple semen washing.

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CANros - Disposables


Kit to determine Reactive Oxygen Species in human semen.

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CANsep - Disposables


Sperm sorting using magnetic separator.

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