Kit for the detection of antibodies on the surface of sperm cells


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The MarScreen kit allows the detection of antibodies on the surface of sperms.

This method is based in the combination of antiserums IgA, IgG and IgM and bead-conjugated Ig antibodies.

The incidence of ASA (antisperm antibodies) has been estimated to range from 9%-36% in infertile couples. ASA are suggested to affect negatively on male fertility by decreasing sperm motility, cervical mucus penetration and gamete fusion. Also, women undergoing repeated intra uterine insemination (IUI) with washed spermatozoa, are also thought to be prone to develop ASA.

MarScreen allows to perfom both direct screening with semen and indirect screening with serum.


More information:

Additional information for MarScreen:

“PACK-MAR”, “MAR-A”, “MAR-G” and “MAR-M”
Catalog: Download catalog pdf_thumbnail
Download protocol Mar-Screen IgA pdf_thumbnail
Download protocol Mar-Screen IgG pdf_thumbnail
Download protocol Mar-Screen IgM pdf_thumbnail